Oya Serbest presents poster at Society for Research in Child Development conference
Oya presented a poster titled "Children's judgments about what can really happen: Findings from Turkey" at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD).
"In this study, we recruited 5-6-year-old and 10-11-year old children who live in Turkey and investigated their ideas about the reality status of different types of stories. We found that children can distinguish between stories that are consistent (e.g., “realistic” and “unusual” stories) versus inconsistent with natural laws (e.g., “religious” and “magical” stories). Religious exposure renders children more credulous towards divine intervention, as indicated by the higher belief in religious as compared to the magical stories, especially among older children. Overall, the results show that religious exposure does not change children’s fundamental disposition to take causal regularities into account when considering what could really happen. This work is in collaboration with Ayşe Payir (Boston University), Gaye Soley (Bogazici University), Paul L. Harris (Harvard University), and Kathleen Corriveau (Boston University)."
Cheers, Oya!